
And just where is it beauty hides, and truth amid dishonesty? One never knows. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So this is the pen (the enclosure) for my most recent poems and poemoids. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2009-04-20 -- Brian A. J. Salchert

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


stevuuvahdahbbledibbledibbledawk All this waste, Carry On. Who will take the measure of it? Leagues aplenty rise and fall. And where is that incestuous tard, That dingle-daddy rotting soul? I dream of him in galaxies. Unrender him. Bring back that dark Cantankerous hod. Do you not know? His history. We/ must/ unravel it. Blither, blither, spoil and wither, Contusions of phylacteries. Reed? Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. Stah bot! tg00001

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